Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Collateral Learning Essay Example

Collateral Learning Essay Example Collateral Learning Paper Collateral Learning Paper When it came to Neil Postman who talked about how television and movies can also double as being educational, I would have to agree with him. There are many shows on television that prove to be a good way to learn about different aspects of life that one may not have known about before. For example, the food network is where one would turn in order to learn more about a certain food dish, while a channel like the history channel would be used to learn about past times and other countries. Then, there are childrens shows Like Dora the Explorer, that help children learn Spanish Just by watching television for a mere thirty minutes. Postman made It clear that the television was not the only answer to educating people. There skull needs to be a classroom environment In order to ask questions and socialize with other people. On the other hand, Bell Hooks talked about how many television shows and movies portrayed poorer people as sort of lazy and not really wanting to better their lives for themselves and their families. She did not like this because she herself came from a poorer background which she got herself out of by going to Stanford. Even though she had to take out many loans in order to attend the school and often could not go home for holidays, the people she ended up spending the holidays with taught her that she did need to be there In order to improve her life and move up in the world. The television show the Fresh Prince of Bell-Alarm, was a good example to me that Postmans concept of learning from watching something Is extremely true, and also Hooks concept of someone wanting to better their life Is also true. During episodes of this television show, you see a young man who came from almost nothing, make his way into becoming a well-educated and independent man. When it came to what Bell Hooks had to say about representing the poor, I believe that this show did a good job of that. The main character Will Smith, was a lower class citizen from West Philadelphia where he would get into trouble often and have a bad life for himself. But once he moved to Bell-Air to live with his wealthy aunt and uncle, e learned that there was a different life out there that he wanted. Will finished high school and ended up going to a college in California called LILA. Here, is where he knew that what he was doing would make him have the life he wanted, as long as he worked hard for It. Watching him proved that nothing comes easy and everyone must work hard for what they want In order to better their life. Collectively, between Postman and Hooks, what many can learn Is that It Is k to watch television and movies because although they are there for entertainment they are also there for earning purposes. Although sometimes television snows may portray something In a way that does not always shine the best light on it, people need to look past that and see that there is something better out there than what those people are currently in. Everything one sees whether it be in television, movies, or even plays, proves to be a teaching experience, even if it does not seem like it is at the moment. In the end, Postman and Hooks points both prove to make sense and have reasoning behind them that many people will be able to understand.

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