Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Failure of Amanda in The Glass Menagerie Essay

The Failure of Amanda in The Glass Menagerie In Tennessee Williams’, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie† Amanda was a woman who liked to reminisce about the past in order to escape from reality. Amanda was not wicked but intensely flawed. Her failures were centrally responsible for the adversity and exaggerated style of her character. Certainly, she had the endurance and heroism that she was able to support her children when her husband was gone. In her old life, she was once a Southern Belle with a genteel manner who lived on Blue Mountain. This was a place where Amanda’s version of the good old days back when she was young and popular. Amanda was full of charm in conversation that she managed to have seventeen gentlemen caller in a single day.†¦show more content†¦Amanda on the other hand is doing this because she does not want him to be like his father. Most of all, she was doing this because she wanted him to become a better person. Amanda’s strong and outgoing personality has made Laura become submissive painfully shy and self-conscious. She never let Laura make her own decisions. Laura was forced to attend a Business College because her mother wanted to, which resulted her escaping from school. So, to retreat from the real world, she resorted to playing her victrolla and admires her glass menagerie collection. The gentleman caller was Amanda’s fascination and great hope for the Wingfields to attain financial security. With a husband, Laura will be provided for and the two women will no longer depend on Tom. Amanda’s ambition for Laura showed the level of disconnection from the real life and fragility of her dreams. Even if Laura could find a husband, it was strange that Amanda should have so much faith that a husband for Laura would mean security for their family. In spite of everything, Amanda’s husband was unfaithful, and his choice to leave the family led to their current dilemma. Amanda was fixating on the idea of the gentlemen caller; she proposes a switch for Tom’s freedom in exchange for a husband to Laura. She was trying to make plans for Laura because she knows that she is getting older. Laura needs a husband to support her. Amanda was still putting her safety into the hands of men; perhaps she seesShow MoreRelated Misguided Love in The Glass Menagerie Essay1404 Words   |  6 PagesMisguided Love in The Glass Menagerie The Glass Menagerie, written by playwright Tennessee Williams, is the story of a family torn apart by heartbreak from the past and tragedy from the present. Williams parallels this play to his true life experience with his own family, which makes The Glass Menagerie an even more tragic version of what happens to a family when love is lost and abandonment is reality. 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